
Top 10 Best Side Hustles For Women In 2022

Are you considering beginning a side business that could bring in a few additional hundred or thousand rands each month? Something that will either enable you to increase your income today, tomorrow, or in five years. If you have an unplanned job loss, you should have something that will serve as your backup income.

Let’s look at the greatest side jobs that can be done from home and assist any woman to earn more money.

1.Teach a Skill

We looked at tutoring as a business idea earlier, and you can also teach a variety of other skills that aren’t academic, too.

So if you have a skill that you’re passionate about, it can be a great side hustle opportunity.

This can include art-related skills like sculpture, or trades like carpentry or woodworking. You could even teach something like martial arts or a sport that you played at a high level.

2. Do Tutoring

If you’re strong in math, English, or another academic subject, you should consider opening a tutoring side business.

This can be a casual side hustle that just earns you a few cash in a month, or it can be turned into a full time business (online OR offline).

3. Sell on Amazon

Very few of the items listed on Amazon are sold by the company itself. More often, they’re sold by other businesses and third-party sellers who pay Amazon a fee to list their products.

They either ship the products themselves after an order, or let Amazon store their inventory, ship it for them, and even handle customer service/returns… for an additional fee (This is called Amazon FBA and can be very profitable).

So if you’ve ever wanted to open an online business as a side hustle, large platforms like Amazon are a great way to get started.

There’s a lot of competition, but there’s also a huge audience on Amazon. And you can boost your visibility with Amazon ads to begin, too (recommended, if you do try this).

4. Do Freelance Consulting

If you learned a skill or trade in your previous full time jobs, or if you’re willing to learn something new, you can take to freelancing or consulting to earn a side income. This side hustle can help you make side money after being laid off, or can be turned into a full time business if you prefer.

5. Start A YouTube Channel

Like blogging, YouTube is more of a long-term side hustle idea, where you won’t earn much in year one. However, in the second or third year, you can expect earnings to pick up if your channel is growing.

You earn money online through ad revenue, which YouTube splits with you when people view your videos. You can also have brands sponsor videos, or become an affiliate for different brands/products, where they pay you a cut of each sale when you refer people to their business.

6. Publish on Kindle

If you liked the side hustle idea of selling on Amazon (mentioned earlier) but don’t want to deal with physical products, packaging, inventory, returns, etc., then consider selling e-books on Amazon! You can publish a book directly to Amazon via Kindle Direct Publishing and start earning money as soon as it’s published (assuming you can attract customers and get noticed on the platform).

7. Start a Wholesale Business

If you like the idea of running an online business but would prefer to be a little more hands on, starting an online store using wholesale could be perfect for you. This business model means you buy products in bulk at a lower price and then sell at a higher retail price to your customers.

Because you’re hands on with your products and suppliers, you’re able to keep a close eye on the quality of your products. Unlike dropshipping, you handle the packing and shipping, which means you don’t have deal with one of the downsides of dropshipping – the long shipping times. Instead you can take advantage of getting those products into happy customer hands faster.

8. Start Blogging

Blogging is one of the best side hustle jobs to do from home, or anywhere else in the world. It allows you to build a personal brand while owning your own asset. You can even write about your passions. Starting a blog in aniche that you understand allows you to reach an audience who shares the exact same interest as you. Yoga, business, beauty, and cars are some popular niches for running a part-time blog. You can make money blogging in a few ways: adding affiliate links to your posts or linking to the online store where you sell dropshipping products.

how to monetize a blog
How much money can you make trying a side hustle like this? In the beginning, you’ll make nothing. But some bloggers who stick it out past the first few years have made enough money to quit their job and do it full time.

Blogging Tip: If you’re passionate about blogging, create an online store that you can monetize and add a blog onto it. This allows you to start monetizing your asset before you’ve built your audience. Plus, the combination of content and commerce is a powerful one. As your blog grows, you can use retargeting ads to monetize your blog traffic to land even more sales. If you pump out regular, quality content, you’ll quite possibly have a few home-run posts that bring you a ton of traffic that’ll be easier to monetize than if you were hoping for a few direct sales.

9. Sell Information Products

If you’re looking for good side jobs to make money, selling information products might be the perfect option for you. This side hustle requires some research, invested time, and marketing skills for you to flourish. Are there topics that are really popular right now that you know a lot about? Did you find a popular topic that there isn’t enough information about? Monetize these opportunities by creating content around it. You can publish books on Amazon or sell courses to start earning.

How much money can you make selling information products? It depends on the niche, your marketing execution, and a variety of other factors. But a side hustle like this can result in a few thousand dollars each month. The key is to create several different pieces of content (ebooks, courses, etc.) that keep generating recurring income for you

Selling Information Products Tip: With this side hustle, focus on niches where people have a huge problem they need to solve. If you’re in the fitness niche, you can create a fitness workout course or a diet plan with a recipes ebook. If people are desperately trying to solve a burning problem, there’s an opportunity to provide value by helping them solve that problem. The content you create can guide them towards a solution. Best part: You could make money while helping people.

10. Become an influencer

Earn Passive Income as an Instagram Influencer. Growing up, most people dream of being famous. But the truth is, not everyone can sing or act. Fortunately, you can still build a personal brand around yourself based on what you can do. Maybe you have a really cool fashion sense or can bake an awesome cake. On Instagram, anyone can start a side hustle by becoming an influencer. If you don’t like the spotlight, that’s cool. You can build an Instagram following around your dog or your photography. You can monetize your Instagram account in a couple of ways: sponsored posts, Instagram takeovers, or selling a product on your website.

Which side business do you find most appealing? Have we overlooked a fantastic, lucrative side gig? Tell us in the comments section below.

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