
Nomvelo Mkhanya Speaks Up On Being Stronger After Enduring Cyber-Bullying


The 24 year old Scandal actress Nomvelo Makhanya recently opened up in an interview with “Drum Magazine” about her experience being cyber-bullied and everything she learned during the ordeal.

Nomvelo recently sat down the local newspaper, mainly to promote her upcoming role on the show Scandal, and how excited she is about the changes that will coming with it.  She spoke at length about the new aspects of her camera that will begin to show and that will allow her to play with her range as an actress.

When asked about fan reactions to her work, she then shared her experiences with toxic cyber bullying on the internet from people reacting extremely negatively to aspects of her and her performance as an actress, among other things.

Nomvelo had the following to say about her unfortunate experience:

“Sjoe!  There has been a lot of growth since then.  I have grown a thick skin because when you are in this industry people can be vile and I have since learned not to take everything that people say about me on social media too personally.”

She also mentioned that she does look at what is said about her, but now has a very different emotional experience because she has learned to sift and compartmentalize between what matters and what doesn’t about the opinions and statements she comes across.

Cyber Bullying has become one of the new norms we’ve seen persevere ever since social media became a mainstream aspect of human existence, and continues to be a great source emotional torment for many of those that use it.  It is always reassuring to hear of those who have endured and come out the better for it.

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