
Internet Scams You Should Absolutely Avoid In 2022

Avoid becoming a victim of these frauds and scams that are predicted to be popular in 2022 as technology use continues to increase. A dishonest scheme intended to defraud you of your money is called a scam.

The top 10 online frauds and scams are listed here for your convenience.

1. Money flipping

It’s easy to be tempted by get-rich-quick offers. Con artists know this, which is why money-flipping scams are so popular on social media.

In this scam, con artists will make a post — usually with a photo of cash — to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media sites promising recipients that they can make quick money with minimum effort. Recipients just must contact the poster to find out how.

If victims do reach out, the poster will tell them to fill a prepaid debit card with money and then share the card number and PIN with the scammer. The con artist then promises to “flip” this initial investment from victims into a much larger pay day.

Once victims provide these criminals with their prepaid debit card information, the scammers behind these posts drain the card of its funds and disappear. The victims are now out whatever amount they deposited onto their debit cards.


2. Fake Job Frauds

Scammers harvest contact info and personal details from résumés posted on legit job websites like Indeed, Monster and CareerBuilder. Then, pretending to be recruiters, they call, email, text or reach out on social media with high-salary or work-at-home job offers. Sometimes the goal is to get additional info about you; other times it’s to persuade you to send money for bogus home-office setups or fake fees.


3. Giveaway or contest scams

How often have you visited your favorite social media site to find a post advertising a lottery or giveaway? All you have to do is “like” the post or comment on it to enter the sweepstakes for the chance to win a free gift card, a month’s worth of free food delivery, or $500 worth of free clothes from a favorite retailer.

It sounds good, right? Unfortunately, these social media giveaways are often scams. The people creating them aren’t giving away any real prizes. Instead, they’re like-farming.

4. Cryptocurrency scams

The new year can seem like a good time to try new ideas and break new ground. This can make people especially vulnerable to trying their hand at areas like cryptocurrency investment. This is another area where extreme caution should be applied.

Be wary of adverts that push cryptocurrency investment via social media and promise guaranteed return on investment (a regulated and accredited provider will never say this). You should also check your local government’s financial regulator for a list of accredited and reputable providers.

5. Fake charity scams

When disaster strikes, it is human nature to want to help. For many, this means donating money. Fraudsters know this, and use crises to reap a quick payday. They create fake charity pages, websites, and even accounts on popular sites like GoFundMe, then promote their “charities” on your Facebook feed. Usually, they ask you to pay via a PayPal account.

Before you give a dime to any charity, take a few minutes to do a little research. There are sites specifically designed for this purpose, including Charity Navigator, Guidestar, and Charity Watch.

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