My husband cheated on me and left me

My husband cheated on me, and i never really saw it coming had the feeling something was wrong, but all logic said he couldnt be, cause he was home on time from work every night and other then a once in a blue moon occassion to play tennis with his best friend.. he was always home..
Stupid me.. but then again i was 22 and blinded by love…
He was messing around with a girl at work.. they went out to lunch together and did things when i “thought” he was at work.. then one night he asked if id mind him going out for a few drinks with the guys at the club on the base (he’s military and he very rarely ever asked to do something like that..) i had to work that night so reluctantly (had a bad feeling) i said ok, i asked my mom to watch the kids since i had to work late and he wanted to go out.. well i ended up getting off of work early and thought cool he’s been out with the guys for a few hours by himself he said he’s not going to stay out very long so , i thought i’d call him up at the enlisted club and see if i could join him.. called up there, and they said Sorry hun, but we are closed now, all customers have left for the night.. (half hour ago) so i was happy thinking he’d be home any moment and we could spend the night together alone since my mom took the kids for the night.. 12 a.m., 1. am , 2 a.m. came not home, figured most bars close at 2 he should be on his way home by now.. 3 a.m. came i started to panic thinking he in a car accident , possibly in the hospital called a couple hospitals , nothing.. 4 a.m. came and all i could think of was he was hurt somewhere and i needed to find him so with out knowing where to look but freaking out from not looking for him, i jumped in my car..
just as i went up the road.. a van pulled down our street.. (he was picked up by his friend so i didnt know what kind of car they were in) sure enough the van pulled into our drive way and as i pulled in closer.. the one driving the van was a woman…he said it was a gf of one of the guys.. and i had nothing to worry about.. the next night i went to work.. and the following a.m. something in me told me to hit the redial on the phone.. and i did, and it was the same girls answering machine.. a week later he left me, less then a month later him and the girl that was driving the van moved in together..