
Find Out Who Sizwe Dhlomo Is Currently Crushing On

Sizwe Dhlomo Struck By Cupids Arrow

Find Out Who Sizwe Dhlomo Is Currently Crushing On. TV and Radio sensation Sizwe Dhlomo has revealed being bitten by the love-bug as he secretly snaps pics of the current apple of his eye, and releasing them on Twitter.

Dhlomo has a crush on Financial journalist, broadcaster, corporate speaker and KayaBizz’s award-winning presenter Gugulethu Mfuphi.


Unfortunately his love interest is taken. She seems to be in a lovng relationships. Mfuphi made this all known on her IG account with a snap of her and her partner.

It’s always refreshing to see prominent media personalities share their more human and intimate experiences with us along with the happiness that goes with it, especially in a time where global morale is so compromised, given difficulties the whole world is currently facing.

Many entertainment journalists have a had a field day speculating who Sizwe might currently be romantically attached to, and it would seem that Dhlomo is finally throwing a bone, albeit a very cryptic one

The computer programmer turned natural-born entertainer seems extremely giddy at the prospect of starting this particular chapter of his life, and here’s hoping the infectious positivity continues to spread!


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