Life Style

5 Ways To Break Free From Your Social Media Addiction

Social media has become a vital way to stay connected, to both our loved ones and the world at large. And yet, as the saying goes, too much of a good thing becomes bad. Social media is literally addictive, giving our brains a jolt of dopamine that builds up a craving to keep checking our phones again and again.

Here are a few ways to keep your fingers away from that “like” button.

Implement Rules

Vow here and now to stay off social media during meals, when commuting, and when you’re in the bathroom or in bed. Each day, designate a handful of minutes where you get to do nothing but scroll through your feeds: no guilt, no restrictions. When you’re done, set the phone out of sight. Conversely, make a list of activities that you vow to keep phone and tech free, whether that means dinner, date night, or family time.

Create a No-Phone Sleeping Arrangement

Many experts recommend designating your bedroom as a no-phone zone. This curbs the temptation to scroll through social media before you sleep or check it right when you wake up. Do you use your phone as an alarm? It’s time to buy an old-fashioned alarm clock!

Check With Purpose

Most of us wander onto social media aimlessly—usually when we’re bored. To cut back, set a higher bar for logging on. Ask yourself, Do I have a specific, positive reason for this? If you can’t come up with one (say, wanting to see a relative’s wedding photos), resist the urge and do something that will boost your mood, like calling a friend or diving into an engaging book.

Adjust Your Phone Settings

Turn off any and all social media notifications on your phone. Or better yet, remove the apps from your phone so that you can only use them on a desktop or tablet. Even just cutting off immediate access to social media helps reduce the temptation to check it.

To Check Less, Post Less

Posting and/or sharing lots of content can create a loop in which we’re compelled to check our phone even more (“Did anyone ‘like’ my status?”). When you get the itch to update your status or share a photo, stop for a moment and consider your intentions. Be conscientious of how often you post and why.

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