
6 Goals Every Career Woman Should Have

Personal career goals are important and can help develop your career. However, the trick is to establish goals that help you focus in on the things that truly matter. These things may seem simple, but far too often they are overlooked. Here are 10 examples of career goals that will help you succeed in and out of the office.

Build your confidence

Confidence is important. It can change how someone perceives you. It will show people your worth, especially in work. Confidence will help show your employees how valuable you are and will make you stand out from the rest. Not only that, but it will help you in so many more ways. And you will be a much happier person with it. But achieving it can be a lot easier said than done. However, there are little things you can do that can help build it. Try going to a movie alone, or even going out to a restaurant. Take up a hobby that you wouldn’t usually think you could do, conquering it will help you believe you can do anything. Because you can. Lastly, stand up for yourself. Learn when you should take a stand and don’t let anyone walk over you.

Progress in your career

Ok, you worked really hard last year and now it’s time to step up your game again. And you should do this every year. Set new goals you want to accomplish in your career and put down things that surprise you, stuff you usually would be not confident enough to do. You want to move up, progress and be taking more seriously in your career and you can. Go after it this year. Set the steps you need to achieve your goals and make a detailed plan that’s bulletproof and nothing gets in your way.

Make networking a hobby

Networking isn’t only for entrepreneurs. In 2017 make networking a MAJOR goal. Attend industry events, make meaningful connections with people who work within and outside your sector, join social networking groups with a career focus and make contact with people who work in organisations you would like to work for or who have roles you would like to transition into. Use your networks well. Ask valid questions and offer up useful advice when they need.

Understand your space

Many career women go to work every day, fulfil their job description and go home. They haven’t invested time to understand how their day to day duties affect the overall growth of the company. This year make it a priority to see the bigger picture with your career. Think beyond yourself. See yourself as part of the soldiers in a huge army and value the work you do as important. The more you understand the bigger picture and how your daily tasks feeds into it, the more pride you are likely to have about the work you do and the more effort you’ll put into it.

Work better with your team

This is the year to be a team player. Make an intentional decision to get along with every member of your team. Decide to be the person that empowers everyone, even if you feel they don’t deserve it. Make a mental note to always take the higher ground and not rise to any occasion for negativity. Instead cultivate the habit of encouraging team members and seeing their potential.

Find a career mentor

Mentorship is super important for your career. The problem is we sometimes place too much emphasis on physical mentorship. Read books written by people you admire and listen to career themed podcasts by same. The world is a global village, so if Mark Zukerberg is your idle, read up on his interviews and all articles you can find about him and his company.

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