
5 Tips To Make A Great First Impression At Your Next Job Interview

First impressions count! You have no idea how true this is.  Ask any psychologist. It’s important to make the best impression you can within the first few minutes of meeting your interviewer.

Carry it on throughout the interview, so you have a good shot at getting a second interview and a job offer.

Apply the following 5 Tips To Make A Great First Impression At Your Next Job Interview!

1. Your reasons for wanting the job

Ask yourself why you want this job because you’ll likely be asked this on the day. Only you know the answer and you need to make it a good one. Just because you need a job isn’t a good enough reason for someone to hire you. Ask yourself what you actually know about the company. Are you interested in a long-term career or is this simply a stopgap for you? They might ask you where you see yourself in 6 months’ or 5 years’ time – how will you answer this. Easy if you see yourself long-term with the company, but not so easy to answer if you don’t.

2. Dress Code

To add to our recent article, “Got an Interview, What to Wear, What to Wear” make sure that you dress professionally. Casual is not good and gives the wrong impression. Of course, this will entirely depend on what type of job you are applying for, but for a professional career position, get it right and buy that killer suit.

3. Be enthusiastic!

You’ve been invited for interview because they believe you can do the job. It’s just down to you on the day to show that you can do it better than anyone else they might be interviewing. Even if you don’t tick all the boxes for the job criteria, I’ll bet you have something just as good or even better to offer. The interview panel don’t know this yet, so you have to tell them. Don’t be negative about a past (or present) employer, working conditions etc., as this will give a really bad impression. Try to show that you are flexible and willing to take on responsibility.

4. Timing is critical

Whatever happens don’t be late!  Arrive 10 minutes before – and if you’re too early then take a walk around the block.  Just don’t leave it until 5 minutes before the interview is due to start, because the interview room might be some distance away from the reception area you have reported to. You don’t want to hurried up 3 flights of stairs and arrive out of breath and stressed.

5. The evening before the interview

I’m not going to say try to relax the evening before because you won’t. If you really want the job you’ll be pretty nervous. That’s natural – and that’s the best advice anyone can give, to just be natural and be yourself. That’s the person they’re looking for. Good Luck!

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