
10 Types Of Women Men Want To Marry

10 Types Of Women Men Want To Marry! When it comes to actually considering whether or not a man would marry a woman… what does he factor into his decision making process. Truth is, there are certain important traits that men desire in a woman.

Here are 10 Types Of Women Men Are Interested In Marrying :

1. An Honest Woman

How long will you stay in a committed relationship with a beautiful or handsome liar? If you cannot trust your partner or believe what they say, how can you construct a solid, lasting foundation with them? You can’t.

2. A Selfless Woman

A selfless woman will understand the importance of working together, sharing, devotion, and commitment for the right reasons. Her motives will be to help make life a little better for you. She will understand that dying to self doesn’t mean she does not love herself.

3. A Simple and Low Maintenance Woman

A low maintenance woman tends to be focused on the truly important things in life. I’ve found them to be non-clingy, very rational, and supportive. She won’t care about how much money you have or don’t have. She will like you for who you are and is not looking for what you can do for her. She accepts you freely because she is comfortable in who she is. She is more about becoming a better woman than just appearing to be a good woman.

4. An Intellectually Challenging Woman

 There is no denying that someone’s looks are what initially draws us to them. It’s difficult to spot a great personality from across the room. Many a fling was built on physical attraction alone, but how long can it last?

When conversations lack depth or intrigue, we often fill our time with physical activity together, but it is impossible to build a real connection or lasting relationship with someone on that alone. Being intellectually challenging and having the ability to hold real discussions about meaningful topics, will always trump shallow beauty in the long run.

5. An Emotionally Stable Woman

This type of woman understands God gave her emotions and instincts to give man balance. She understands emotions are never used as a decision making tool, because emotions can lead you outside of the will of God. The devil drives us off a cliff using emotions and God gently leads us with wisdom.

6. A Loyal and Patient Woman

She is with you through the good and the bad. She’s there if you’re rich; she’s there if you’re poor (if you have 2 cents, 2 dollars, or 2 million dollars… makes no difference). She is right there cheering you on and helping you to be great. She will not be looking for other men, because all of her attention is with you. She will uplift, support and encourage you.

7. A Woman with Character 

This should go without saying, but I will add this (and this type should really be the first thing you consider for any woman). She must be of a woman of good character. Without character, it will be difficult to even build a strong friendship.

8. An Ambitious Woman

In addition to supporting and encouraging you pursuing your own goals and dreams, she will have her own as well. A mature woman has a vision for her future and chases after it with voracity. A mature woman will be someone you can take on the world with. A partner in crime, a teammate in your relationship, and in life.

9. A Consistent Woman

Being consistent is a valuable virtue because it lets your partner know that you really are who you are. You haven’t sent your “representative” to get to know them during the first couple of months of dating, but then suddenly transform once they’ve committed themselves to you.

10. A Woman With Complimentary Values

This is often an extension of the family-oriented point in the beginning, because many times our value system comes from our upbringing. The things we find important (or not), the things we believe in strongly (or not), the way we treat others, and ourselves. It doesn’t matter how attracted you are to someone or even how well you get along, if your values don’t align, you will always be clashing in the long term.

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