
10 Tips For Landing A New Job In 2021

Many South Africans are looking for new jobs as the impact of the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, many aspects of our lives were affected, including and sometimes especially the way we work and how we look for work. In order to be successful in your job search, you must use specific strategies to make yourself stand out to potential employers.

Check out the following 10 tips for landing a new job In 2021.

Adjust your job search accordingly. “You may need to consider applying for positions you wouldn’t have considered in the past,” Beasley says. This could mean branching out into a new industry, taking on some freelance work, finding creative ways to update your skill set, or trying out different job search strategies.

Keep an eye on trends. In a slower hiring market, the more you know about who is (and isn’t) hiring, the better. To stay on top of what’s happening, check out news and industry sites that monitor business and hiring trends (sign up for their newsletters if they have them), follow companies you’re interested in on LinkedIn, and pay attention to the types of job postings you’re seeing on job boards (and the types of companies posting them).

Continue to expand your network. Talking to people in the industry you’re targeting can help you understand the trends and identify which skills will be most important to potential employers. And remember, there are lots of different ways to network.

Broaden your job search. “The remote work trend has opened up so many possibilities for people all over the country,” Parikh says. This means that not only can you apply to the usual jobs in your area, but you can also apply for jobs that might be based across the country.

Polish your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile. Actually, don’t just polish them. Make sure they shine like the top of the Chrysler building. In a competitive job market, investing time in perfecting your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile will be more important than ever. You should also make sure your social media accounts are job-search friendly and update your portfolio or personal website (if you have them—if you don’t, consider making one!).

Know your career goals. First, identify what type of career you want. This is particularly important for people entering the workforce for the first time or changing careers. Get recommendations from family, professors, a career coach or former coworkers. Make sure you have a clear and realistic goal, determine how you plan to reach it and note what qualifies you for that career path. These steps can help you narrow your job search to positions you are passionate about and will help you advance professionally

Get resume and cover letter help. Ask a friend, family member, coworker, career counselor or other professional to proofread your resume and cover letter for errors, as well as to offer advice. Some job seekers even choose to work with a professional resume-writing service or resource to save time and enhance your resume and cover letter.

Customize your resume. Adapt your resume to each job you apply for. Study the job description to determine why you are a great fit. Then, add your skills, experience and measurable achievements that are relevant to that position. Hiring managers who look through many resumes should be able to read yours and quickly know you have the skills for the position.

Apply with confidence. Apply for jobs you are interested in even if you only meet some of their requirements. Depending on the position, employers might hire motivated individuals who learn quickly and provide them with skills training on the job. If you meet a portion of a job’s qualifications but believe you can still succeed in that role, apply. Include examples of your work ethic and ability to learn new skills in your resume. Emphasize how your goals align with those of the company.

Schedule informational interviews. Informational interviews are informal conversations with professionals in an industry or a company you might want to work for. Find out whether you are a good fit for a job by requesting informational interviews with someone working in a field that interests you. Search for potential interview subjects on professional networking sites or member organizations.

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