
10 Secrets People In Long-Term Relationships Won’t Tell You

There might be some universal truths about relationships, but there’s rarely a one-size-fits-all prescription for a given couple or situation.

Plus, we all learn a lot about what makes a relationship work best by being in one and taking things as they comes. So, here are 10 secrets people In long-term relationships won’t tell you.

1. Alone time is almost as important as couple time.

So, whether you’re single or coupled up, spend some time alone doing what truly makes you happy. It’s the healthiest thing you could do for your future love life.

2. Questioning Your Relationship Is Normal

You might think that once you’re in love and settled down, you’ll know without a doubt that your partner is “The One”. Truthfully, it’s totally normal to have the occasional doubt about your long-term relationship — and you shouldn’t feel guilty when that happens.

3. You’ll Experience Temptation

Being in a relationship doesn’t prevent you from being attracted to other people sometimes: in fact, having a crush while in a relationship is totally normal. You will still find other people attractive and, even if you stay away from temptation, it can occasionally find you

4. Long-Term Relationships Can Feel “Boring”

When you spend so much time with one other person, of course there are going to be moments when you think, “wow, this is boring compared to being single” — but being occasionally bored in your relationship isn’t always a bad sign.

5. Sexual Desire Changes Throughout A Relationship

Many couples struggle with trying to keep the passion alive in their relationship. Typically, at the beginning of a relationship, desire and passion are quite high. When people get comfortable in their relationships and… all of life’s other factors come into play, desire sometimes fizzles off if [it’s] not worked at. You have to work at keeping the passion alive in a relationship.”

6. Your Partner’s Cute “Quirks” Might Bug You Someday

You might initially find it cute that your partner always steals the blankets from you, but when it’s your hundredth night sharing a bed and you have an important work meeting in the morning, you’ll probably be singing a different tune.

7. Arguments Are Normal

When you’re in a long-term relationship, arguing is inevitable. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a tiny squabble over the dishes or a serious disagreement — what really matters is how you communicate during (and after) the argument.

8. Hanging out eventually becomes more like doing things next to each other.

After a few years of dating, you’ll go to your significant other’s house so that you guys can lay in bed and… one of you can watch TV and the other one can play on the computer. Sounds terrible, but it’s kind of not. It’s nice to be able to just co-exist with someone.

9. Things aren’t always easy, but when it’s worth it, you kind of just know.

It sounds really corny, but when you know, you know. I can’t explain it any further than that! It’s such a cliche, but it really is true.

10.Sleeping together means actually sleeping.

After you’ve been dating for a while and you have sleepovers, you realize that sleeping together is actually just sleeping because you guys are really tired. Sex happens too, but… you both love sleep, okay?

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