
10 Bad Eating Habits And How To Avoid Them

You have set yourself a number of goals and you are dreaming many dreams. To be able to achieve these goals and reach these dreams you will have to make sure that you live a healthy lifestyle.

On this article, We’ve listed 10 Bad Eating Habits and how you should avoid them.

1. Poor Meal Planning

TimeĀ  is one of the biggest barriers to eating healthy, because last minute decisions leads us to fast food outlets, the junk and oily food. When you are hungry you will not pay attention to the kind of food you consume you only pay attention to feeding the hunger. Most fast food outlets are best at serving unbalanced meals, so when you are in a rush for feeding yourself you opting for unhealthy food. It is advisable to always be punctual so that you avoid opting to unhealthy food. Always make time for your balanced diet, it is best for your well-being.

2. Skipping Breakfast

Breakfast is best known to be the most important meal of the day, but many deciding to kick start the day without having it. That is why you will find most people in public transport, workplaces, schools and around the society being grumpy it is because they have not received energy boost. It is best to have something even if you are on the run a fruit or some cereal will do to fuel you up for a day ahead of you.

3. Emotional Eating

It is a norm that most people over feed themselves with food when they are emotional or hurt. Most food that you will be stuffing yourself with is junk. One should find a new stress-buster, take a walk instead of over eating. Get a favorite activity to do and always choose it over food when you are emotional.

4. Eating Too Quickly

Eating like a hungry lion whether snacking or eating a meal is not healthy because it does not give your brain time to catch up with the indigestion process. Take smaller bites and chew each bite thoroughly, drink enough water to make the digestion process easier and smooth.

5. Not Drinking enough water

Water accounts for 60% of our body, so drinking enough water boosts your body health. Being dehydrated affects your memory, your moods and motivation intact. So being hydrated helps your skin stay supple, allows your muscles and joints to work better and helps remove toxins from your body.

6. Eating late at night

Eating at late hours of the night does not allow the body to process the food more efficiently. Which is unhealthy for the body because it will start reacting differently since the food on the body does not get processed efficiently. Try moving your dinning time to early hours of the evening so that the body will have time to process food.

7. Skipping Vegetable and Fruits

Most vegetables do not taste lekker that is why most people do not choose them, they are not enjoyable and majority we prefer to enjoy food regardless of its complications. Fruits and Vegetables serves excellent vitamins and minerals that are a huge supplements for our body. In order to have strong immune system you need to have a vegetable on one of your daily meals.

8. Dipping Food in sauces

The addiction of sauces is similar to the one of drugs and substance. Most of this sauces are processed and processed food are unhealthy because majority contain GMOs. Once it ends the body it will have negative impact on the body and introduces some diseases. Find ways to avoid it because they contain not benefits of the body.

9. Consuming Large Portions

Restaurants love offering large portions to customers as a way to keep them coming, but the size is real a danger to our stomachs. Most of our stomachs can not contain large portions because ones stomach is the size of their fist. So if you take large portions the body will over gain weight. Try small portions of food because is best for your health and weight.

10. Keeping Unhealthy Food in Sight

Often people label unhealthy food as treats and they love having them at their side, the dangerous thing about them is that they are addictive because they are mouthwatering, too much food coloring and sugar is added to them. Rather snack with a fruit since they contain vitamins and they boost the immune system.

Unhealthy food is mouthwatering and to die for, but they are not good for our systems. It is best we avoid them by all means and drinking plenty of water so that you can be at your best shape. Its not difficult to make eating healthy a norm, if you do it you can motivate the next person and that is a great change on their lives.

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